If you didn’t follow the viral marketing with the prior Batman films Christopher Nolan has done, you have probably saved yourself a massive headache. None the less the highly anticipated viral for the third film The Dark Knight Rises is currently going on.
If you head over to OpertationEarlyBird.com, you will encounter a map with a bunch of dots on it. Clicking on one will give you the option to get tickets to what is assumed to be a sneak preview of the prologe that will be shown before Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. Also if you head over the TheDarkKnightRises.com you will hear some creepy voices spouting out numbers which are assumed to be coordinates. However don’t spend much time on this site because I have listened to almost a hundred numbers and none of them work on the Operation Early Bird site.
If you are interested in getting into the viral marketing then I recommend you follow @thefireriseson twitter for more updates. I’m sure there is much more to come via twitter.
I do have one complaint about the start of the viral marketing for the film. If you are going to do something that you know a ton of people around the world will try and get involved with, at least make sure your site works as well as your partner sites (I’m looking at you GoFoBo).
As of 1 P.M central time there are roughly 60 cities around the world that are planning on showing something on the 13th at 10 p.m. However the sites keep crashing and it seems not many people are getting through. We will keep you updated!
Update: At this time it seems that most of the major cities in the U.S and UK are full already. There are still a few screening in some of the smaller venues so be sure to check the site and see if there is anything available.
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