Man, I used to love playing Doom when I was in fifth grade. In fact, I played Doom so much that one of my friends actually began to feel motion sickness after watching me play too long. But the 2005 Doom big screen adaptation came about decade too late after the peak of the game’s popularity… and it was terrible (although it was probably as good as a game based on a first person shooter could be). If you didn’t catch it at the multiplex, critic Richard Roeper sumed it up quite well: “The performances are awful, the action sequences are impossible to follow, the violence is gratuitous, the lighting is bad and I have my doubts that catering truck was even up to snuff on this project.” All in all, it has seemed like the door to further Doom films was bolted shut.
…Until today.
Hollywood Insider at What’s Playing is reporting that Universal Pictures is exploring a reboot of Doom after Paramount’s moderate success with the G.I. Joe film. I get the whole military connection, but if a studio really wants to do a Doom film right (if that’s even possible) it’s got to think more low-budger horror or Alien and less G.I. Joe. Of course, the film is being developed for a 3D release, which probably would work well in the film’s context but it’s a lot to ask audiences to pay for 3D tickets for something that sucked the first time around. As of now there’s no players involved, just the studio’s intention to get a Doom film going.
The video game franchise is still trucking along — Doom 4 is currently in development — so the material isn’t completely off the radar. Still, I’m not entirely sure the old adage “if at first you don’t succeed, try again” works in the case of a Doom movie.
What are your thoughts on a Doom 3D reboot? Give us your take in the comments!
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