Harold Ramis, also known as Egon Spengler from the Ghostbuster series, directed the original Vacation in 1983, which was followed by 3 more theatrical sequels European Vacation, Christmas Vacation and Vegas Vacation. A made-for-TV sequel was also released titled Christmas Vacation 2, though it’s considered to be non-canon as it only featured one of the original Griswolds, the character of beleaguered younger sister Audrey, played by the same actress Dana Barron of the original film and focuses on the loutish Cousin Eddie character immortalized by Randy Quaid.
Helms is tentatively scheduled to film the next season of The Office after production wraps on The Hangover: Part 3, at which point he’d presumably begin filming Vacation. This leaves plenty of time for writer-director team Daley and Goldstein, along with producer David Dobkin and distributor New Line Cinemas to continue massaging the script into tip-top shape.
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