Let’s just say Battle of the Brides isn’t your run of the mill romantic comedy. This Vietnamese film surrounds a womanizer who has five relationships going on simultaneously until he picks one to marry. The problem: the other four women show up to the wedding dressed and armed to the T, ready to do battle to become the wife of the groom…or to kill him.
I would never recommend doing what this guy does in the film, but if you happen to be in the same situation I would come up with a game plan before walking down that long carpet to the altar. Hit the jump for more details and to check out the wild trailer for Battle of the Brides.
The film is directed by Victor Vu (Inferno), who allegedly plagiarized Wolfgang Petersen’s film Shattered. While I did publish an article on the matter I have recently pulled it because this trailer has me skeptical. If the man has been accused of a scam, there is no way in hell that he would have received funding for a movie like this so quickly-or if it was already made, it would have been shelved for a bit (think Mel Gibson’s The Beaver). Say what you want about Vu, but this film looks like a lot of fun; a movie filled with goofy comedy and a ton of hot Asian women kicking ass. What else could you ask for?
Check out the crazy trailer below and let us know what you think in the comments section located under it.
The film stars Huy Khanh, Ngoc Diep, Le Khanh, Ngan Khanh, Phi Thanh Van, and Van Trang and will be released in Vietnam on January 28, 2011.
Source: Twitch
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